Concrete Blocks
We manufacture a full range of quality concrete blocks which are CE marked and certified by the National Standards Authority Ireland (NSAI). All blocks meet the required European standard I.S. EN771-3 and aggregates used for block production comply with I.S. EN12620. Through both our on site and external laboratories these blocks are tested regularly to ensure that the quality, strength, consistency and reliability of each block is maintained. They have fire resistant properties, high compressive strength, excellent sound insulation and a high thermal capacity.
In the Republic of Ireland concrete blocks used for structural purposes under either the Building Regulations or Eurocode 6-Design Code for Masonary (EC 6 adopted as I.S. EN1996) must be Category 1 blocks which requires an AVCP system of 2+. The AVCP system 2+ ensures the integrity of the particular production control process and ours is audited by the independent Notified Body NSAI .
Please note that the attestation level in Northern Ireland remains at system 4 which is a self-declaration without external auditing of FPCs by a Notified Body.
Our range of concrete blocks

13N Blocks
Download technical information specifications and Declaration of Performance certificate:
Declaration of Performance (DoP)
Aggregate Concrete Masonry Units
Kentledge (Kelly/Lego) Blocks